PSA Packaging Specialty Asia, Ltd

Printing Facility Onsite Audit

Consistency comes with process control

Once we develop a evaluation plan for the brands owners, the current or future packaging suppliers to the brands must develop a process that fulfill the brands’ requirement. The suppliers must prove that they have the right process to produce the packaging consistently. Having high quality consistent packaging is no longer a dream.

Onsite Evaluation

To conduct an evaluation of a packaging supplier is not an easy task. Being able to understand the process in details is not a simple task for most of us. We noticed there are numbers of companies that are offering the similar evaluation service. Some of the evaluation services do not help the packaging supplier to improve the technical capability and readiness.  Therefore a proper evaluation for packaging suppliers must be conducted by team of specialists that understand print techniques and technology.

Why use PSA as service provider?

PSA consists of members that have many years in the print and packaging industry. We are developed the first packaging evaluation services in China and we have conducted over 200 evaluations with various packaging suppliers. We have very strong experience in supplier evaluation.

Detailed Evaluation Report

Every packaging supplier that done our evaluation will receive a very comprehensive report. The report is easy to understand and will tell the capability of the packaging supplier. It also has the  technical data that we use for the evaluation. The report is organized in an open, fair and unbiased way. It is very suitable to brands to use as a reference for supplier assessment.

Start to standardize your packaging suppliers

To make sure all your packaging suppliers are on the same level of printing capability

+86 (755) 8148 1515

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